Tuesday, December 02, 2003

A Baby at Christmas.

Well, she's here. Our not-so-little bundle of joy has arrived, and apparently has the lungs of an Olympic sprinter. I have never heard anything that loud in my life!! When our daughter is unhappy, everyone in our neighborhood is unhappy. She doesn't cry, though. Someone, somewhere told me that babies cry a lot. Our's doesn't. She screams! I regularly fear that the neighbors are secretly suspecting that Rochelle and I are child-abusers. We aren't, we just gave birth to a shouter...she's bound to be Pentecostal.

Anyway, I writing today to simple ask for your prayers as Ro and I begin our foray into the world of parenting. It's already more difficult and trying that I thought it could be. As Rochelle and I pray for the life of our daughter this Christmas season, let's turn our attention again to the world's most important birth--Jesus. It's His birth that gives meaning to the rest of our lives.

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