Ahh! October. Some argue that October is the best month of the sports year. They have good case. Basketball is about to get started, college and professional football will are in full swing and the Major League Baseball playoffs have begun.
Last night, Rochelle was asking me to catch her up on the past 5 months of baseball. She doesn't really pay attention until the playoffs, but as the post-season goes deeper, she will stay up late into the night, living and dying with every pitch or hit of whichever team she choose to cheer for in the next few days.
Here is Houston, my hometown Astros and 1 game up on my former hometown Braves. I live in Houston and follow the team all year, but I've been a Braves fan from the crib--thanks to TBS, The Super-Station. People frequently ask me who I'm pulling for. My response: "I can't lose!" Though between the two of us, my heart is still in Atlanta.
Thursday, October 06, 2005
Wednesday, October 05, 2005
Clean Hands Part II

I told you so, I told you so! There it was in the New York Times, which arrives with precision in my e-mail inbox every morning. The headline: Hand Washing Habits Not in Sync with Answers.
The article tells in statistics what I already knew in my heart: "Most people say they wash their hands after using the bathroom. But a study suggests they don't." A Harris Interactive poll asked 1,013 adults about hand-washing and then the researchers sent observers into public restrooms to see what actually happened. 91% of adults said they washed their hands after using a public restroom, but observers say only 82% actually did.
Women washed their hands to a tune of 90%, but only 75% of men washed. That means that the nest time you go to church or the office or a party 1 out of 4 men who shake your hand has not washed them after...well, you know. And I suspect, if you are like me you know EXACTLY who that fourth guy is!
But there I go again, focusing on the physical dirt of others rather than the spiritual dirt of my own. Do you ever do that?
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