I told you so, I told you so! There it was in the New York Times, which arrives with precision in my e-mail inbox every morning. The headline: Hand Washing Habits Not in Sync with Answers.
The article tells in statistics what I already knew in my heart: "Most people say they wash their hands after using the bathroom. But a study suggests they don't." A Harris Interactive poll asked 1,013 adults about hand-washing and then the researchers sent observers into public restrooms to see what actually happened. 91% of adults said they washed their hands after using a public restroom, but observers say only 82% actually did.
Women washed their hands to a tune of 90%, but only 75% of men washed. That means that the nest time you go to church or the office or a party 1 out of 4 men who shake your hand has not washed them after...well, you know. And I suspect, if you are like me you know EXACTLY who that fourth guy is!
But there I go again, focusing on the physical dirt of others rather than the spiritual dirt of my own. Do you ever do that?
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