Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Blog, Blogging, Blogged

A friend of mine scolded me for not blogging more often. He's right. I don't do this enough. I wish I could be like Mike Cope ( and have something clever and thoughtful to say everyday. My problem is that sometimes I forget I have this little corner of the web and when I'm very busy--which is most of the time--I feel guilty about blogging when I should be reading or writing something else.

Anyway, I won't promise to do better, but at least I'll try.

Well, I have some very fun things coming up this spring. First of all, I'm teaching for two days at the Abilene Christian University Lectureship ( My classes will be about the missional/emergent church conversation. Surely, there are people who know more about the subject...I hope they're there. It will help the conversation. In addition, I'll be speaking about race relations in the church at the Pepperdine Lectures this May, as well as speaking at the YouthWorkers lunch. It should be fun. Any excuse to go to Malibu is a good one.

By the way, if any of you have something you would like to offer to either of those discussions, I would be glad to hear them.

I'm also the focus-leader for Kadesh #1, a camp for senior high students at ACU the first week in June. I'm really looking forward to that. I think a lot of Bob Strader and Jan Meyer who run the Summer Leadership Camps at ACU. It will be great to have some time with them.

By the way, I also have an on-going ministry to youth, young adults, and preaching at my day job. Now that I think about it, it's no wonder why I don't blog more often. Thank you all for your patience. Keep checking back...I'll try and do better.

1 comment:

Jackie Beth said...

Blessings on your work with Kadesh this summer. Thanks for blessing the lives of our kids at camp. May the Lord continue to work in and through you. We'll see you this summer. Jackie Beth