A couple from my congregation gave me a gift certificate for Christian Book Distributors for Christmas. Having too much to read at the time, I purchased two books which weren't going to be out for some time. The first one arrived this week. It's Donald Miller's new book, To Own a Dragon.
At his website, you can hear Miller read the first chapter of the book. It's great.
It's great. It's a hilarious! I laughed my way through the first chapter keeping my wife awake with my outburst. Though I plan that it will make me cry at some point soon. This book, though I haven't yet finished it, has pushed some other reading down the list.
Miller writes about his own lack of being fathered and the fathering crises in our country. There's a little something for everyone here. So, if you get a chance, pick it up and read. You'll laugh, you'll cry, you'll realize why fathers are so important.
More on fathering later...
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