Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Drive Thru History America

I went to school with Dave Stotts, the host of Drive Thru History. He, like me, is also from Atlanta, so you know he's a good guy. What you get in the DTH videos--both this series and the original Drive Thru History--is pure Dave. I'll always remember he was doing a announcement in chapel He prefaced it by saying, "Okay guys, I'm gonna take you back, way back on this one." Then Dave fell backward on the stage. I laughed hard. No one else did!

At any rate, check out Drive Thru History, which is currently airing on The History International Channel. It's a great show and Dave does the writing, research, filming, producing and editing pretty much by himself. It's incredible, I think. Dave brings a sense of humor, fun and insight to history. In particular, Dave highlights the role of Scripture and people of faith in the unfolding if history. There's no Christian overreach or here.

You'll be blessed by Drive Thru History.

1 comment:

Simpsongirl said...

Love that Dave Stotts! He is a funny guy. Thanks for sharing that, Sean.