As four workman were working on my on my air conditioner, installing a new evaporator coil in the attic, I heard a knock at the door. When I got to the door there was no one there. What were there was two packages.The first one was a gratis copy of
Spencer's Burke new book, A Heretic's Guide to Eternity. It is the pre-released, pre-proofed copy. Written across the cover are the words "UNCORRECTED PAGE PROOFS. NOT FOR SALE." I guess this is the copy that they send to a small group of people to read the book before its release and create buzz. Since the book has been out a while, I guess I won't be much good for pre-release buzz. What I can do is tell you all about it and encourage you to pick up a copy.
The second package contained the newest installment of
THE VOICE Bible project entitled: The Dust Off Their Feet.
Brian McLaren is the principle writer with great contributions from
Chris Seay,
Kerry Shook and many others.
You're gonna want to purchase every installment of THE VOICE. Every time I open the pages of the first few installments--The Last Eyewitnesses and The Dust Off Their Feet--I'm captivated by the beauty of the words, thoughts, and images. It really is a project that is recapturing the grandness of Scripture.
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