I'm so blessed to have a wife that not only takes such good care of our daughter, but goes to great lengths to make her life fun by planning special times for her and her friends. Hopefully, when our little Malia grows up, she will look back on her time in our home as a time of great love, wonder and fun.
As a benefit, Rochelle's mom will drop in for the brunch before it's over. She's coming to town to help us put together some odds and ends before the baby gets here. So, in fact, it will be a mother-daughter/mother-daughter brunch.
Did you hear about the Australian church that has taken heat -- even from the Australian Prime Minister -- about a sign on their property proclaiming, "Jesus Loves Osama"? Read about it here. I understand what all sides are saying. I just hope that unconditional love isn't going out-of-style.
I'm currently kicking around the idea of writing a book about race and the church -- a expansion and development from thoughts I presented last year at the Pepperdine University Bible Lectures. It's been a good journey thus far. I've learned a great deal talking with my parents about their history and race relations in Mississippi in the 50's and 60's when they were growing up and the Civil Rights Movement was in full swing. The outline for the book is done, but I keep wondering if the topic is worth writing about. Or if I'm the one to write it. I've not even been able to get my assistant (read: Rochelle) to read the one chapter that 75% written so I have little faith that others will be interested. What do you all think? E-mail me or leave a comment.
I'm already interested in the 2008 Presidential election. Have you all been following the news about Hilary's open mic singing of the National Anthem, her joke about dealing with "evil men", Rudy Guiliani's leaked strategy papers, the false report about where Barack Obama went to school as a child, and Joe Biden's "articulate" and "clean" comment about Obama? Can I ask a question: Does any of this have anything to do with whether or not someone would be a good president? Who cares if you can sing? I'm not backing a candidate yet -- and rarely really "back" anyone -- but shouldn't our consideration of whether or not someone is fit to serve in such an important role, at such a crucial time in history be based on something more significant?
write it. but don't let it simply be a history book... make it a future book, too. you could dedicate the book to me, since I was the first to comment about it on your blog. Yea!
you know i've always thought of you as "well spoken," but I would never refer to you as clean. How insulting! If you dare dedicate that book to anyone but me I will be forced to release all the dirt I've been keeping on you for years. Oh, the stories I could tell.
So many thoughts, so little space. What Russ said. Yeah, dedicate it to him. He seems like a good guy. :)
And, I'm voting for the best-looking presidential candidate. Me. Write me in. I'm not affiliated with any party.
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