Dang it! I had been telling myself that I could continue to live with my blue iPod mini for many years to come, but now I might have to come off the money to pick up a new video iPod.
My problem is that Apple makes me covet! I was in the store yesterday for a podcasting workshop, and those new, shiny MacBook Pros and iPods just started calling out to me--it's like I'm an addict. The problem is that I don't have $2,700 for new 17-inch MacBook Pro or even the $249 for a new iPod. As a matter of fact, both my iBook G4 and iPod mini are just a little over a year old. But when I'm in the Apple store, I feel like I need new stuff.
That's the problem with covetousness; we will never be satisfied with anything outside of God. We will keep reaching and reaching never to find that ONE thing that we think will cause our straining to cease. And Satan knows it. He promises that the next new gadget, a thinner waist line, the love of that person you've been pining for, a better sex life, or whatever it is for you, will bring you the satisfaction that you desire. It won't! Just like Apple and their introduction of the newest MacBook Pro last month which was an upgrade from the first MacBook Pro that came out in January, the evil one keeps moving the finishing line. There will always be a newer model, and faster mode, but it will not satisfy. Only one thing can: enjoying God and worshiping Him forever.
When God says, "Thou shall not covet..." He's may be saying, "You'd enjoy life a lot more if you could not covet; you're only hurting yourself."
I think that's good advice.
Wednesday marks my 7th anniversary of serving the Bering Drive Church. There have been ups and downs, joys and deep hurts, but in the end, it has been good for me. Some of the best people I know worship God here. I am honored to know them, to be able to speak to them with grace, and have them love me, my wife, our 2-year-old daughter, and the little girl that is on her way to joining us. Thanks!
Sean, you are so right. I am glad that you spoke to this craving that it there connstantly tempting our self control! Especially as the holiday season is here and is frequently "used" to appeal to our desires for things which never satisfy, and become out-of-date so quickly.
Good insights. I've been chewing on something for a while... what role do Christians in advertising play here? Do we as Christ-followers have an ethical imperative to avoid greed and coveting and to help others avoid it? If so, how does this impact the way we work in the industry of advertising? A few gifted ad execs standing up against the machine of consumerism - that's what I'm looking for.
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