Well, all that's about to change.
This May, Rochelle and I will be speaking and teaching together at the Pepperdine University Bible Lectures. Though I've been blessed to teach at the lectures several times before, speaking alongside my beautiful wife will be something completely new. And yes, I have joked with Ro about riding on my coattails, but the truth is that she is and excellent presenter and an extraordinarily thoughtful person. In fact, if she had been raised in another faith tradition she likely would have been a preacher and a brilliant one too--just like her father.
At present, we're still kicking around topics for Pepperdine, but we will settle on something by Wednesday I'm sure. The reason I'm sure is because we have to. Dr. Jerry Rushford and his crew at Pepperdine need to print the program soon. So if you have any suggestions, we're more than welcome to hearing them. And if you think I should just sit quietly in the background and let Rochelle teach our classes, well, that's probably a good idea, too.
I am so proud of you both! Congratulations on the first of, I hope, many speaking engagements as a couple. You are both tremendously gifted. I hope I will be able to be there to hear it in person.
Oh man, Sean. You are in trouble now. Everyone thought you were SO SMART and creative... but we all knew it was Rochelle feeding you the good ideas. Now everyone will know! Man, I can't wait to sit there and see you guys work together. An excellent team. Blessings and be a blessing.
So true, Russ. My cover is blown! Now the whole world will see who's been pulling the strings. I've outed myself!
how did I miss this and how did my husband not tell me this??? I've wondered on several occasions when you two would be teaching together at lectures. Well, we will have to make a point to be there then. (Never mind that we will likely be in fairly new jobs with no vacation time . . . we will find a way!)
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